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This book is PEEP’s first foray into publishing. so every time you buy it, you put a few coppers into our funds.
Prior to Vatican II, 80% of young people leaving Catholic schools practised the faith, today, 3% do. This catastrophic collapse is primarily the fruit of the heresy of Modernism. The predatory sodomites among the clergy, who are behind the horrible sex-abuse scandals also has its roots in Modernism. If your bishop scandalises you by giving Holy Communion to pro-abort politician, he’s probably a Modernist. When Pope Francis worships some pagan idol in the Vatican gardens, it’s because he is a Modernists.
Pope St Pius X described Modernism as “The synthesis of all heresies.”
Modernism is not new, it has been sapping the Church’s strength for over a century, whilst remaining largely corralled. However, after Vatican II, it surged through the Church’s blood stream like rattlesnake venom, sapping her vitality and reducing her to a shadow of her former self.
To cure a disease, one must first understand it. In this booklet, Michael Davis uses his scholarship to lucidly expose the nature of this deadly toxin in language that all can understand.

Dinesh D'Souza is an Indian-born American scholar. Wikipedia describes him as "far-right." That is always a dead give-away. That's the label the left sticks on anyone who exposes their Godless agenda, if he was white, they would also accuse him of racism.
This is one of those books that, from a few pages in, the scales begin to fall from your eyes, and you find yourself muttering, "Yes. Now it all begins to makes perfect sence."
The Big Lie refers to the fact that we have all been brainwashed for 80 years to believe that
Hitler and the German Nazi party were far-right. The left have done this to associate
conservatives in the popular mind with the holocaust. But nothing could be further from
the truth. The Nazies are clearly an offshoot of Marxism. Marxists have always hated
capitalists. Hitler hated Jews because he saw them as capitalists. This is the same reason
that the British Labour party is infested with anti-semites.
Read this book and you will find yourself experiencing one exhilarating eureka moment after another.

by Rev. Anthony Cekada
Father Cekada’s internationally acclaimed systematic analysis of the new rite in light of history, liturgical tradition and Catholic theology.
“Full of interesting and credible analysis... An important contribution to the current debate… I encourage others to read it.” (Mgr. Andrew Wadsworth, ICEL General Secretary)
“Carefully argued… Well researched… flags the big question we’ve not been prepared to face.” (Dom Alcuin Reid, author, Organic Development of the Liturgy)
“Well-documented… original and worthy of attention.” (Dr. Geoffrey Hull, Christian Order)
“The definitive traditionalist critique.” (Dr. Stephen McInerney, Oriens)
WHH is a very a witty, readable, easily digestible, yet extraordinarily scholarly work. It demonstrates how the historical evidence for many of the changes to pre-Tridentine times was merely a ruse developed by Modernists. I personally highly recommend this book.

“One of the most important books on the liturgy to be published in the last half- century”—JOSEPH SHAW (Chairman if the Latin Mass Society)
The Heresy of Formlessness is a modern classic, unique for its melding of poetic glitter and keen observation. Martin Mosebach, who has been described as the German Shakespeare,
offers a searing critique of the post-Conciliar liturgical reform through which ancient rites were profaned by tone-deaf modernizers.
“One of the deepest and most insightful books ever written on the Roman liturgy, The Heresy of Formlessness has lost nothing of its relevance since its first publication; on the contrary, Mosebach’s diagnosis proves ever more therapeutic as the disease progresses.”—PETER KWASNIEWSKI, author of Noble Beauty, Transcendent Holiness
“Martin Mosebach, in his extraordinarily readable and inimitable manner, shows us how form and beauty—here, as in every aspect of life—are not aesthetic ‘extras’ in establishing man’s correct relationship to his Creator, but an essential element in identifying and maintaining that relationship.”—JOHN RAO, author of Black Legends and the Light of the World

Broken and Betrayed: The True Story of the Rotherham Abuse Scandal by the Woman Who Fought to Expose it - Jayne Senior
For fourteen years, Jayne Senior tried to help girls from Rotherham who had been groomed, raped, tortured, pimped and threatened with violence by Muslim child rape gangs. As the manager of Risky Business, which was set up to work with vulnerable teens, she heard heartbreaking and shocking stories of abuse and assiduously kept notes and details of the perpetrators, passing information on to the authorities in the belief that they would do something. Eventually, when she lost hope that the authorities would take action against the gangs she had identified as the abusers, she became a whistleblower for The Times investigative reporter Andrew Norfolk.
Jayne is a true hero for our times: with the police, the local authority, the mainstream media, the schools, the Social Services, the politicians and the mosques arranged against her, Jayne never gave up on the victims of this horrific abuse.
Now, in her powerful memoir Broken and Betrayed, she describes a life spent working to protect Rotherham's girls, the pressure put on her to stop rocking the boat, and why she risked prison in the hope that she could help end the appalling child exploitation in the town.

The Sexual Revolution - and the breakdown of the Family - has brought misery to millions. In The Sexual State Jennifer Roback Morse shows that the Sexual Revolution was deliberately created by "elites," harnessing the power of the State, allowing them to inflict three false and calamitous ideologies - contraception, divorce, and gender - that have led to widespread and profound unhappiness, and worse.
The Sexual State turns the conventional wisdom on its head to reveal how: 1)The Sexual Revolution is and always has been a creation of the State. 2) Social issues are unified and can be understood as the outgrowth of a few simple (but gravely flawed) principles. 3) Children have identity and relational rights with respect to their parents...and how the Sexual State denies children these rights.
The dirty secret that no one wants to acknowledge - until now! - is that the progressive social elites have rigged the system. Most people don't love abortion, or divorce, or single-parent families!
In this masterful take-down of the Sexual Revolution and its promoters, Morse calls for a widespread return to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Only then will our society recover from the misrule of "the elites" and the "managerial class."

No 1 on Amazon Charts, New York Times Bestseller, USA Today Bestseller! Dr. Judy Mikovits is a brilliant researcher. From her doctoral thesis, which changed the treatment of HIV-AIDS, saving the lives of millions, to her spectacular discovery of a new family of human retroviruses, Dr. Mikovits has always been at the cutting edge of science.
Dr Milovits was imprisoned for five days without charge when her investigations raised the question: whether the use of animal tissue in medical research was unleashing devastating plagues of chronic diseases, such as autism and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Learn about the drug company that rationed how many of its vaccines could be sold in any one town, because they knew it killed babies, and they didn't want a significant number of deaths in any one place. Lifting the lid on this sort of pure evil is Dr Milovits' speciality - and she doesn't shrink from naming names.
“This book is a jaw-dropping excursion through the lies of Big Money, Big Government and Big Pharma. God bless Dr. Mikovits for her courage in sharing this story!” — Max Swafford, author and educator
"Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and Big Pharma don't want you to read this book. Get PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION now and learn the truth about public health industrial complex's decades of research fraud and vaccine cover-ups." — Michelle Malkin, New York Times bestselling author and political commentator

In this stirring and often surprising collection of essays, award-winning German novelist Martin Mosebach confronts the reader with Catholicism’s correctives to regionalism and the tyranny of fashion. He shows us how the great wonder and beauty of the traditional form of the Mass leads us to appreciate and recover our childlike faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. He explains why popular devotion to Our Lady, in spite of the kitsch that often surrounds it, is more vital, permanent, and world-changing than mountains of learned discourse or political messianism. Resting on the rock of dogmatic confession rather than the shifting sands of journalistic opinion, Mosebach exalts the Christ-given office of the papacy and diminishes its recent man-made agendas.
These records of pilgrimage and reflection bear witness to the perennially “subversive” nature of full-blooded Catholicism, which challenges the assumptions not only of those outside the fold, but perhaps even more, of those within it who exchange their birthright of holy and heavenly mysteries for a mess of modern pottage. Despite the sins and escapades of her members, the Church still makes present in our midst an “incessant repetition of the Incarnation.” This book opens our eyes and ears to this ongoing miracle.
“In this collection of essays Martin Mosebach has once more demonstrated his ability to provide provocative insights into the condition of modern Catholicism. They are a tonic to our deep-rutted discourse on liturgy, spirituality, and religious sociology. Refreshing and challenging, they set us on new paths of thought.” — JOSEPH SHAW, Chairman, Latin Mass Society of England & Wales

Experience for yourself the raw emotions and “aha” moments from people who were convinced gender change was the answer but came to see it was not. Trans Life Survivors powerfully portrays the misery inflicted by so-called “gender experts” who push gender transition on people. This one-of-a-kind book is packed with information: - Emails from 30 transgender survivors - The latest research and information - A section for transgender teens and children with first-hand accounts, research and resources - An appendix with resources for parents; people who want to detransition; and anyone who wants to understand the issue. Read in the survivors' own words why living the trans life didn’t work for them and the concerns and challenges they face in going back.
Walt Heyer lived as a transgender woman for 8 years, detransitioned back to male over 25 years ago, and now uses his 74 years of transgender life experience to bring a message of hope to others who want to know how to detransition. A world-renowned speaker, Heyer has appeared in an impressive list of media and has written over 50 articles for Public Discourse. One of his articles was featured in the internal daily briefing for the West Wing of the White House. Heyer unapologetically refused to live out his life as a transgender female. Instead, he looked to Jesus Christ and through prayer was redeemed and restored to his male identity. Heyer lives happily with his wife of 21 years.
If you know someone struggling with this mental illness, this is the book to send them. It could save them a lifetime of pain.

Carroll's treatment of the events of 1936 is singular in Anglo-American scholarship for seeing the conflict for what is truly was: a war against Christian civilization. This outstanding work of scholarship. Decades of Marxist lies are overturned in Carroll's narration of the bloody struggle to preserve Western civilization in the heart of 20th century Europe.
Have you ever heard about about what happened to Catholics in the 1930s in Spain? In Carrolls' blistering words: "Almost no one outside the Catholic church now knows about the nearly 7,000 priests and religious martyred during the Spanish Civil War" (p 180). Revolutionary mobs burned churches, destroyed ancient statues, books, and Catholic schools and slaughtered any religious they found. "Armed rioters massacred their opponents, including many priests and nuns, in the glare of burning buildings. The crash of falling masonry...of firearms...the shrieks of the victims, and the ferocious cheering of their executioners..." (p 65).
When Bishop Asenio was wrenched from prison, he said, "What a beautiful night...I go to the house of the Lord" (p 106). After being shot he lived for two hours in great agony, on a pile of corpses. And then the revolutionaries mutilated his body.
How many people today know the truth about the Spanish Civil War?